Subject: LDBA Annual Dinner
Dear Members,
As part of its social activities, and in line with its established tradition, the LDBA will hold its Annual Dinner on Friday the 7th , of December, 2018, at the Grand Ballroom, Four Seasons Hotel.
There will be a charge of $100 per person, and we would welcome bookings of a table for ten (for companies) or of individual places (for individuals, couples, and their guests).
We also would welcome sponsorship by companies who desire to do so, or donations of articles (company products) that can be given away as prizes, in a free lottery draw, using the guests’ entrance Card numbers, and/or as small sample gifts (upon arrival or departure) to guests.
We take the occasion to thank the many member companies who have already pledged sponsorship of this event this year, as well as in previous years, and look forward to receiving more such commitments, so that we may be able to provide (almost) all the guests with some prize or another.
Sponsors will be welcome to expose some promotional material by audio-visual means, or by discreet and unobtrusive vertical banners or printed materials, in coordination with the organizing committee.
Kindly confirm your presence, the number of your guests, and if you would like to participate in the sponsorship, in any of the above proposed modes.
We would very much appreciate your confirmation before Friday the 20th of October, by return email, or by phone to the undersigned on 01-752349“.
Kind Regards,
Mohamad Sinno